Ubuntu Skype Screen Sharing Not Working - Solved

By Hardik Savani May 1, 2024 Category : Ubuntu

This article will give you an example of skype screen sharing not working ubuntu. it's a simple example of ubuntu skype screen sharing not working. We will use the ubuntu windowing system change. you can understand the concept of skype linux share screen not available.

Few days before I was just set up ubuntu 22.10 on my laptop. I installed skype and it's installed currently. everything is working fine. But when I call my client and need to share my screen. It's wasn't showing the screen share option on skype. I google it and long research found out what was the issue. Ubuntu Skype screen sharing is not working with the windowing system "Wayland". So i need to disable it and use x11. it works for me, so you can try it out as well.

You can see solution below how to resolve this issue.

Check Windowing System:

You need to run bellow command:




Change Windowing System:

You need to open custom.conf file and remove "#" near WaylandEnable=false. let's run bellow command:

sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf

Remove "#" from "WaylandEnable=false" line.




Then save it.

Reboot System:

Then you need to reboot system by using bellow command:


Now you can skype call and check it. It will work :)

I hope it can help you...

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