Laravel Blade Foreach First Element Example

By Hardik Savani October 12, 2023 Category : Laravel

Hello Developer,

This article will provide an example of laravel foreach loop first. If you have a question about laravel foreach loop first then I will give a simple example with a solution. I would like to share with you laravel blade foreach first element. This article will give you a simple example of laravel blade foreach first item.

Laravel Blade offers a @foreach loop for rendering array data. If you need to determine whether an element is the first or last one and apply a class or other actions accordingly, you can utilize $loop->first and $loop->last.

Here, i will give you simple examples that way you can use $loop->first and $loop->last in your blade file.

Example 1:

you can see the simple blade file code:

@foreach ($users as $user)

@if ($loop->first)

This is the first item.


@if ($loop->last)

This is the last item.


<p>This is user {{ $user->name }}</p>


Example 2:

you can see the simple blade file code:


@foreach ($users as $user)

<li @if ($loop->first) class="active" @endif>

{{ $user->name }}




Example 3:

you can see the simple blade file code:


@foreach ($users as $user)

<li @if ($loop->last) class="active" @endif>

{{ $user->name }}




I hope it can help you...

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