Laravel 11 Create Blade File using Command Example

By Hardik Savani September 4, 2024 Category : Laravel

In this short post, i will show you how to create view blade file using artisan command in laravel 11 application. we will use make:view artisan command to create blade file.

Laravel has recently launched version 11, which includes a notable enhancement: the addition of a new Artisan command option for creating Blade files. You can now generate a view file in Laravel 11 by executing the following straightforward command: php artisan make:view welcome. This command simplifies the process of creating Blade files via the Artisan command.

laravel 11 cmd create vew

So, let's see the simple example below:

Example 1: Laravel 11 Create Blade File Command

Here, the below command will help you to create 'dashboard.blade.php' file. so, let's run it and check the output as well.

php artisan make:view dashboard

You can see the following output:

they will create new file as like the below:


    <!-- Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mahatma Gandhi -->

Example 2: Laravel 11 Create Blade File inside Directory Command

Here, the below command will help you to create 'index.blade.php' file in users folder. so, let's run it and check the output as well.

php artisan make:view users.index

You can see the following output:

they will create new file as like the below:


    <!-- He who is contented is rich. - Laozi -->

These commands really help us.

I hope it can help you...
