How to Install Angular on MacOS?

By Hardik Savani May 1, 2024 Category : Angular

A framework that’s easy to use and may offer a lot of features is surely more valuable compared to the others. And that’s what exactly Angular offers; making it one of the most popular frameworks developers use for web application building.

The interesting value Angular may provide intrigue people to install it. And in this article, we’ll tell you how to install Angular on macOs.

What Is Angular?

Did you know that Angular is actually not a new framework? Angular is developed by Google in 2010, working as an open-source web application framework that uses TypeScript as its base. Now TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that may offer better features and functionalities.

Another good thing about Angular is that it offers a better, more manageable way to build web applications. Since it’s component-based, any reusable component can be used later and integrated into a much larger application. Thanks to this character, the projects will be easier to organize and maintain.

It also has support for dependency injection and two-way data binding, plus built-in services that are pretty comprehensive.

Who May Benefit from Angular?

The ones who may benefit from this framework are clearly the web developers, including the front and back end. Angular is so beneficial that many giant companies started using it.

Google, for example, uses Angular for its various big applications that most people use today, like Google Analytics suite and Adwords. Plus, Angular has also been used to support the Google Cloud platforms.

Aside from its own creator, Angular is also a top choice for many global online payment platforms, most notably, Paypal. The utilization of Angular makes it possible for Paypal to make the users’ business payments more secure using one of Angular’s many abilities for granting better security on large-scale platforms.

For these companies, the cost of using Angular may take more than $100K. So for personal users who desire more protection, it’s recommended to use at least a VPN instead. You may boost your online security by installing a VPN for your macOS. With a VPN that supports macOS, you can even get better features to enhance the experience when using the device.

System Requirements

For developers who want to try out Angular, it’s advised to check the system requirements first. Make sure that your system meets these requirements:

  • OS: The supported OS is Windows 10 or above, macOS 10.10 or above, and the latest version of Linux
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Storage: At least 10 GB of free storage on your device

By meeting these requirements, you may run Angular smoothly to develop and test the projects more effectively.

Installing Angular on macOS

Now, we want to share the method to install Angular specifically for macOS. Follow the below steps:

1. Don’t forget to install npm and Node.js

These two are the basic requirement to start running Angular development. So if you don’t have it, follow the how-to guides to properly install them.

Once both are installed, proceed to the next step.

2. Install Angular CLI

The next step is to install Angular CLI, the program you need to run to create and manage your Angular apps. To start the installation, enter the below command in the Terminal:

npm install -g @angular/cli

By running the command, you’ll install the latest stable release of the Angular CLI tool.

3. Test It Out

To ensure that Angular may run properly, we need to test something. It’s simple, just run this code through the Terminal:

ng --version

After entering the command, you’ll see which version of Angular CLI you have.

4. Creating Angular Application

To create an Angular app, you must first create a folder that will contain any configuration and source files needed for your project. So create one, and go back to Angular. And then, the next step is to create a workspace by entering the below command in the Terminal:

ng new my-app

Change “my-app” with any names you want for your application. By entering the command, you’ll make a new directory, setup with the configuration files needed, and also generate the base for your app at the same time.

5. Run The App

Another step, another testing. Now, we want to make sure that the new app is successfully created. To do so, enter the command below through the CD command:

cd my-app

Then, enable the server with this command:

ng serve

And that’s all to it! Now you have Angular properly installed on macOS, plus having the base for your Angular app. After this, comes the development process which takes a lot of your time.

But don’t worry, by putting in a lot of your time and effort, you’ll successfully create any app you want. Good luck!

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