How to Get the Last Digit of a Number in Python?

By Hardik Savani October 30, 2023 Category : Python

Hi Dev,

This detailed guide will cover python get last digit of a number. In this article, we will implement a how to get last digit of a number in python. This example will help you program to find last digit of a number python. It's a simple example of last digit of a number in python. Let's see below example find last digit of a number in python.

There are several ways to get the last digit of a number in Python. I will give you two simple examples to get the last digit from a number. You can see both examples one by one.

Example 1:

number1 = 43567
# Get Last Digit from Number
lastDigit = str(number1)[-1]
lastDigit = int(lastDigit)



Example 2:

You can get the last digit of a number in Python using the modulus operator (%). Here's an example code:

In this example, the modulus operator % returns the remainder of the division of num by 10, which is the last digit of num.

number = 9658
# Get last Digit from Number
lastDigit = num % 10




I hope it can help you...

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