How to Get the First Digit of a Number in Python?

By Hardik Savani October 30, 2023 Category : Python

Hi Friends,

This article is focused on python get first digit of a number. I would like to share with you how to get first digit of a number in python. I would like to share with you program to find first digit of a number python. This article goes in detailed on first digit of a number in python. follow the below step for find first digit of a number in python.

There are several ways to get the first digit of a number in Python. I will give you two simple examples to get the first digit from a number. You can see both examples one by one.

Example 1:

number1 = 43567
# Get First Digit from Number
firstDigit = str(number1)[0]
result = int(firstDigit)



Example 2:

You can use the modulus operator (%) and division operator (/) in Python to get the first digit of a number.

In this code, we first calculate the length of the number using len(str(number)). Then, we calculate the power of 10 by raising it to the length of the number minus 1. Next, we divide the number by the power of 10, which gives us a number with only the first digit. Finally, we use integer division (//) to get rid of any decimal places and assign the result to the firstDigit variable.

number = 9658
# Get First Digit from Number
firstDigit = number // (10 ** (len(str(number))-1))




I hope it can help you...

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