How to Generate UUID in Laravel?

By Hardik Savani April 16, 2024 Category : Laravel

Today i am going to share with you how to create uuid in laravel 5 application. You can create quick uuid using generator. I will use composer package for generate unique uuid.

UUID stand for universally unique identifier and is a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer pc. In this post i will show you how to generate uuid in laravel 5, laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, laravel 9, laravel 10 and laravel 11 application.

you can also use Str facade to generate uuid in laravel application. i will give you two way to generate uuid in laravel.

UUID using Str Facade


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

class AjaxController extends Controller



* Write code on Construct


* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response


public function index(Request $request)


$uuid = Str::uuid();




* Write code on Construct


* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response


public function index2(Request $request)


$uuid = Str::orderedUuid();




UUID using Package

In this post we will use webpatser/laravel-uuid composer package for generate uuid in laravel 5. We have to simple install webpatser/laravel-uuid package to your laravel application and then a second you can generate uuid. So, you don't have to add aliases or provides etc, just need to install webpatser/laravel-uuid package using composer require command.

So, let's simply run bellow command to install webpatser/laravel-uuid composer package to your laravel project:

Install webpatser/laravel-uuid Package:

composer require webpatser/laravel-uuid

Now we are ready to use "Uuid" facade, so within a second you can get uuid from time, string etc. So let's run bellow route for example to generate uuid.

Generate Uuid:

Route::get('uuid-gen', function () {



Generate Uuid Output:


As you see above example, it is very simple to generate uuid in your laravel application. You can also get more information from here : webpatser/laravel-uuid.

I hope you it can help you...
