How to Delete and Remove File in Ubuntu Terminal?

By Hardik Savani May 1, 2024 Category : Ubuntu

Hi Artisan,

Today, I would like to show you ubuntu 22.04 delete file command. we will help you to give an example of how to remove file in ubuntu terminal. This example will help you how to delete file in ubuntu command. I would like to show you how to delete file in linux command.

Certainly! The rmv command in Ubuntu is used to remove (delete) files and directories. It is a powerful command, and you should use it with caution because deleted files are typically not moved to the trash but are permanently removed from your system.

Here's a more detailed explanation of the `rm` command and some of its common options:

1. Delete a Single File:

To delete a single file, simply provide the filename as an argument to the `rm` command:

rm filename

2. Delete Multiple Files:

You can delete multiple files in one command by listing their filenames separated by spaces:

rm file1 file2 file3

. Using Wildcards:

You can use wildcards to match and delete multiple files based on patterns. For example, to delete all `.txt` files in the current directory:

rm *.txt

4. Force Deletion:

By default, `rm` will prompt you for confirmation before deleting files. To override this and force deletion without confirmation, use the `-f` (force) option:

rm -f filename

Be extremely cautious when using the `-f` option, as it can lead to irreversible data loss.

5. Delete Directories:

To delete a directory and its contents, you can use the `-r` (recursive) option:

rm -r directory_name

6. Forcefully Delete Directories:

To forcefully delete a directory and its contents without confirmation, combine the `-r` and `-f` options:

rm -rf directory_name

Again, use this option with extreme caution, as it permanently removes directories and their contents.

7. Verbose Mode:

You can use the `-v` (verbose) option to see which files are being deleted in real-time:

rm -v filename

This option can be helpful when you want to confirm the files being deleted.

Remember to double-check your `rm` commands, especially when using options like `-f` and `-r`, to prevent accidental deletion of important data. Data deleted using `rm` is often not recoverable, so it's essential to exercise caution when using this command.

I hope it can help you...

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