How to Create PDF File in Node JS?

By Hardik Savani October 1, 2021 Category : Node JS


Now, let's see example of how to create pdf file using node js. you'll learn node js generate pdf file. step by step explain node js create pdf file. i would like to show you node.js create pdf file using pdfkit. Follow bellow tutorial step of node.js pdfkit example.

Here, i will give you simple example of how to generate pdf file in node.js. we will use pdfkit npm package to create pdf file. you can follow bellow step and see creating new pdf file with text and image.

Step 1: Create Node App

run bellow command and create node app.

mkdir my-app

cd my-app

npm init

Install Express using bellow command:

npm install express --save

Install pdfkit using bellow command:

npm install pdfkit --save

Step 2: Create server.js file

Here, make sure you have "uploads" folder and one image name with node-js-file-size.png.


const PDFDocument = require('pdfkit');

var fs = require('fs');

const doc = new PDFDocument();



.text('This is example from', 100, 100);

doc.image('uploads/node-js-file-size.png', {

fit: [400, 400],

align: 'center',

valign: 'center'




.text('Generating PDF with the help of pdfkit npm', 100, 100);



.text('The link for website', 100, 100)

.link(100, 100, 160, 27, '');


now you can simply run by following command:

node server.js


i hope it can help you...

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