Fixed - Model MassAssignmentException in Laravel

By Hardik Savani November 5, 2023 Category : Laravel

In Laravel, a MassAssignmentException is thrown when you attempt to mass-assign values to a model that are not supposed to be assigned. This is a security feature that helps protect against unauthorized changes to the database.

By default, Laravel only allows mass assignment of attributes that are explicitly defined in the model's $fillable or $guarded arrays. If you attempt to assign a value to an attribute that is not included in either of these arrays, you will get a MassAssignmentException.

For example, consider the following model:


class User extends Model


protected $fillable = ['name', 'email', 'password'];


In this case, only the "name", "email", and "password" attributes can be mass-assigned. If you attempt to mass-assign any other attributes, you will get a MassAssignmentException.

To resolve this issue, you can either add the attribute to the $fillable array, or you can use the $guarded array to specify attributes that should not be mass-assigned:


class User extends Model


protected $guarded = ['id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'];


In this case, the "id", "created_at", and "updated_at" attributes are protected from mass-assignment.

In addition to the $fillable and $guarded arrays, you can also define a custom fillable method on the model to allow mass-assignment of specific attributes based on certain conditions.

Overall, MassAssignmentException is a useful security feature in Laravel that helps prevent unauthorized changes to the database, but it can be easily resolved by properly defining the fillable or guarded attributes on your models.

I hope it can help you...

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