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Laravel 12 JQuery UI Ajax Autocomplete Search

In this tutorial, I would like to share with you how to make input autocomplete using jQuery UI AJAX in Laravel 12 application. In this example, we will download the fresh Laravel 12 app and run migr.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Laravel 12 Model Events Example Tutorial

In this post, I will show you an example of Laravel 12 model events. Laravel 12 provides us with retrieved, creating, created, updating, updated, saving, saved, deleting, deleted, trashed, forceDeleti.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Laravel 12 Generate Fake Data using Factory Tinker Example

In this article, I will show you how to generate fake data using factory tinker in laravel 12 application. As we know, testing is a very important part of any web development project. Sometimes we ma.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Behind the screen: tech stack insights from successful restaurant platforms

<img src="/upload/stack-tech-1.png" class="post-img"> <strong class="step">The Rise of Tech-Driven Dining Experiences</strong> In an era where every click matters, restaurants are becoming increasingl.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

How to Get Last Executed Query in Laravel 12?

In this post, I will show you how to get the last executed SQL query in a Laravel 12 application. We will print the last SQL query in Laravel 12 using `ddRawSql()`, `toSql()`, `DB::enableQueryLog()`,.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Laravel 12 Flash Message Example Example

In this example, I would like to show you how to add flash messages in Laravel 12 application. We will use Bootstrap 5 alert for flash messages like success, error, warning, and info. We will define .....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Laravel 12 Clear Cache of Route, View, Config, Event Commands

In this short article, I will show you how to clear cache of routes, views, config, and events in a Laravel 12 application. Sometimes we need to clear the cache when changes are made in a configurati.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Laravel 12 Select2 Ajax Autocomplete Search Example

In this post, I will show you Select2 AJAX autocomplete search in a Laravel 12 application. In this example, we will download the fresh Laravel 12 app and run migration for creating the users table. .....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Laravel 12 Get Client IP Address Example

In this article, I will show you how to get client ip address in laravel 12 application. There are several ways to get an IP address in a Laravel 12 application. We will use the `request()` helper, `.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Laravel 12 Cron Job Task Scheduling Example

In this post, I will show you step by step how to set up cron job task scheduling in Laravel 12 application. Why do we have to use a cron job? And what are the benefits of using cron jobs in Laravel .....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Laravel 12 Guzzle HTTP Request Tutorial

In this post, I will show how to send Guzzle HTTP client requests in a Laravel 12 application. Laravel 12 provides a built-in HTTP Client using the GuzzleHttp/Guzzle package. You can easily run HTTP .....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel

Laravel 12 Change Date Format Examples

Hi Dev, we will learn how to change the date format using Carbon in a Laravel 12 application. Sometimes you are required to change the date format in your Laravel 12 app. We have to use Carbon to chan.....
By Hardik Savani May 5, 2021 Category : Laravel