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Solved - Syntax Error or Access Violation 1118 Row Size Too Large ( 8126)
Few days ago i was working on my php laravel application and i need to have one table that 200+ columns on it and i need to add it. so when i run my create sql command i found following error: "Synta.....
Laravel Simple CMS Website using Asgardcms Example
Today i am going to share with you how to use cms in laravel 5.5 application. As we know wordpress is best cms in the world and almost people like to use cms for his company website or blog. But if we.....
Laravel 5.5 CRUD Example from scratch
In this tutorial i will shows how you can create basic crud(create, read, update and delete) module in laravel 5.5 application. Laravel is a popular open-source PHP MVC Framework with lots of advanced.....
Ubuntu - "/usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No Such File or Directory" - Solved
<br/> In this post i want to share one issue that i fetch. When i started working on my react js project first time on my ubuntu 16.04, i installed npm and then after i run bellow command: <pre> npm i.....
How to create quick apache virtual host in Ubuntu?
We always require to create virtualhost on each project because we don't want to run each project manually, so it is better way to create virtual host address for each project when you development lik.....
Laravel Create Quick Backend Admin Panel Tutorial
Today, I am going to share with you How to create admin panel in Laravel 5 Application. In this tutorial we will create quick simple back-end admin panel using voyager package. We always require to c.....
How to Install Composer using Command Line in Ubuntu?
Composer through we can get packages from git and use it in our project. But you require to install composer in your system for getting packages. You can get packages for core PHP, Laravel, codeignite.....
Solved - Access Not Configured. Google+ API (truncated...) on Google Console Developer
When i was working on my Laravel 5.3 application with socialite google API. I fetched one issue when redirect on my application. I had successfully created my project on google console with site URL .....
How to Install Laravel on Windows Xampp Server?
Nowdays, Laravel is a most popular framework of PHP. Laravel provide lots of functionality like data migration, MVC, blade template etc. But if you don't know how to install laravel in your windows sy.....
How to create virtual host in ubuntu apache?
we always like to create virtual host and run our project that way we can debug properly and run as like our website. But if you are working on ubuntu then we have always follow several step to create.....
How to Uninstall Cordova and Ionic in Ubuntu?
If you require to remove cordova and ionic from ubuntu then you uninstall using terminal command. you can uninstall cordova then you can just run bellow command. I added two command one for uninstall .....
How to Increase Upload File Size Limit PHP in Ubuntu?
i Developer, In this tutorial, I will show you php increase upload file size limit ubuntu apache. It's a simple example of how to increase file size limit in php. This example will help you how to inc.....