How to Detect Devices is Mobile or Desktop in Laravel?

By Hardik Savani April 16, 2024 Category : Laravel

Few days ago i need to detect devices access from mobile, desktop or tablet in laravel 5 app. i find out jessenger agent package for detection of mobile or desktop in laravel 5.8. we can easily check which devices use user like mobile, tablet or desktop.

jessenger ajent plugin provide method to get all user agent values with their pre define function by package. they provide function like isMobile(), isTablet(), isDesktop() and device(). there are more helper provide for user agent. we can easily use with laravel 5, laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, laravel 9, laravel 10 and laravel 11 project.

You have to just follow bellow tutorial to detect mobile or desktop access device.

Install jessenger/ajent Package

We need to install jessenger/ajent composer package for getting user ajent value, so you can install using following command:

composer require jenssegers/agent

After that you need to set providers and alias.



'providers' => [




'aliases' => [


'Agent' => Jenssegers\Agent\Facades\Agent::class,



Now bellow i will create route and you can see how to use it.

Detect Is Mobile:

Route::get('detect', function()


$agent = new \Jenssegers\Agent\Agent;

$result = $agent->isMobile();



Detect Is Desktop:

Route::get('detect', function()


$agent = new \Jenssegers\Agent\Agent;

$result = $agent->isDesktop();



Detect Is Tablet:

Route::get('detect', function()


$agent = new \Jenssegers\Agent\Agent;

$result = $agent->isTablet();



You can also make condition in view blade file like as bellow:

@if((new \Jenssegers\Agent\Agent())->isDesktop())

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('front/css/desktop.css') }}" />


@if((new \Jenssegers\Agent\Agent())->isMobile())

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('front/css/mobile.css') }}" />


I hope you found your best tutorial...
